EcoSystemic Change

Driving EcoSystemic Change Through Data Precision and Usability

At Greenaumatic, our primary question is: How can we get the majority of companies to accelerate towards sustainable goals? To address this challenge, we need precise data to report the right impact, monitor progress, and provide insight into how engaged companies are. Comprehensive and clear reports, coupled with the ability to compare results, are essential. Most importantly, we need companies to act on these goals swiftly. We are committed to helping businesses start this journey step by step.


Driving EcoSystemic Change Through Data Precision and Usability


Measuring impact, avoiding greenwashing, prioritizing meaningful change, and considering the role of corporations in society are all essential aspects of effective Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) implementation. Integrated thinking and integrated reporting offer companies a more comprehensive and holistic view of their activities, leading to better decision-making, improved performance, and increased stakeholder trust.

Reflecting on our journey, I firmly believe that our society requires a systemic shift from a financial-driven economy to a purpose-driven one. We are currently in a transition period that necessitates resources, guidelines, and regulations within our existing framework. Integrated Thinking (IT) and Integrated Reporting (IR) by SMEs are powerful tools to propel this systemic change, though the current system’s dynamics may hinder significant steps towards an unfamiliar purpose-driven economy.

Each project we undertake presents a set of challenging dynamics, which we see as opportunities. These challenges bring us closer to helping our customers embrace systemic change and contribute actively to real transformation. We have been fortunate to collaborate with several trailblazing companies that act on these goals, demonstrating commitment to sustainability.

In this blog, I will share where we stand four years down the line and highlight key findings from our journey towards creating a balanced business environment where planet, people, and prosperity drive positive change.

Present Dynamics and Challenges

Having addressed the initial questions of where and how to start, we are now deeply involved with organizations on mining accurate and usable data, managing resistance to change and addressing resource shortages. Recognizing the importance of data in improving operational efficiency and driving innovation often meets resistance or reluctance due to perceived additional effort.

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) has provided clarity but also introduced complexity. SMEs, though not directly subject to reporting, face increased demands for sustainability data from their CSRD-obligated clients, particularly concerning scope 3 emissions, but also in relation to other ESG related topics. Investing in knowledge and skills is crucial to stay on top of market developments and maintain competitive positioning.

Data accessibility and processing, especially for smaller businesses, present significant difficulties. Inconsistent demands from different customers add overwhelming complexity. Starting early and taking incremental steps towards data management, considering the varying needs and capacities of different companies, has become essential. Reliable data and simple tools for small businesses are imperative.

Current systems are not designed for detailed data collection, leading to inefficiencies. Adapting systems for detailed data collection and collaborating with software providers to enhance data capture capabilities pose new challenges. Effective data management requires time and effort.

Competitors who excel in data management gain a competitive advantage. Using data to optimize performance metrics, improve customer relationships, and drive sustainability initiatives underscores the importance of becoming data-driven to stay competitive, agile and future-proof in an evolving economy and facing global events.

The Bare Necessity: Data Usability

While precision in data is vital, usability is equally important for quality output. Data usability ensures that the collected data can be easily accessed, understood, and applied effectively by various stakeholders. High usability means that data can be seamlessly integrated into decision-making processes, enhancing operational efficiency and enabling more informed strategic planning.

Usable data allows for better collaboration across departments and with external partners, fostering a more cohesive approach to sustainability goals. It reduces the time and effort required to interpret data, thereby accelerating the implementation of sustainability initiatives. In essence, ensuring data usability transforms raw data into actionable insights, driving meaningful change and improving overall performance.

Will You Choose to Matter?

To navigate current dynamics and make informed business decisions, SME business leaders must equip themselves with the right tools and strategies. Ask yourself two critical questions:

  1. What change are you looking to achieve?
  2. What is the result you expect?

Begin by identifying your current position and a range of possible future scenarios. These scenarios, based on trends, global events, or changes in the environment, personnel, or processes, represent different ways the future might unfold. Analyze each scenario by forecasting its potential outcomes, assessing risks, opportunities, and challenges. Formulate flexible and adaptable strategies to navigate these changes effectively.

Practical Solutions to Implement Today

To effectively transition towards sustainability and improve data-driven practices, SMEs need to implement practical and actionable strategies. Addressing the challenges of data collection, management, and utilization requires a proactive approach. Here are some concrete steps that organizations can take to enhance their data capabilities, foster collaboration, and build a solid foundation for sustainable growth:

  • Allocate resources and responsibility for implementing data collection strategies within the organization.
  • Collaborate with software providers to enhance data capture capabilities and system integration.
  • Standardize data collection practices by collaborating with stakeholders.
  • Educate employees on the benefits of data-driven practices and provide training to enhance data literacy.
  • Collaborate with industry partners, suppliers, and customers to standardize data collection practices and enhance data interoperability.

Join Us in Becoming a Better Business

At Greenaumatic, we are dedicated to making a positive impact on the world by encouraging SMEs to integrate ESG and Circularity considerations. Our commitment is to help companies take the essential first step towards a sustainable future and support them on their ongoing journey. Leveraging our ESG Management expertise, we provide an ESG related EcoSystem with future-proof strategies, practical execution, and iterative monitoring. Our ultimate goal is to create a better world for everyone, making meaningful differences through well-thought steps.

If you are interested in exchanging knowledge and gaining insights from like-minded SMEs already paving the way to a responsible future, contact us to be matched with one of our Trailblazers; Start here –

Together, we can find better solutions to achieve our goals and make the world a better place for all.


Read more:

Why Greenaumatic –

ESG & The Importance of Critical Thinking –

Why Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises need to embrace ESG Principles –


Be a better business

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